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Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Milaan Match community. If you’re honest, kind and respectful to others, you’ll always be welcome here. If you choose not to be, you may not last. Our goal is to allow users to express themselves freely as long as it doesn’t offend others. Everyone is held to the same standard on Milaan Match. We’re asking you to be considerate, think before you act and abide by our community guidelines both on and offline. 


We believe the Milaan Match Team Must: 


Prioritize Safety 

Milaan Match users should feel safe to be who they are; safe to be who they are with there match; safe to plan whatever type of follow up date they’re comfortable with. 


We’ll take a proactive stance to build tools, features, and incorporate resources to help our daters stay informed and feeling safe. Resources should be intuitive, clear, and easy to navigate. 


We always want our community to feel secure and that we’re protecting them against known threats while empowering them to alert us to any and all unknown community threats we’re not yet aware of. 


Err on the Side of Caution 

In order to foster a safe place to date, we must act on reports swiftly. When alerted, we will take action to help ensure Milaan Match users are protected.  


We’ll welcome and consider relevant information and facts when making a decision. When necessary, we’ll reach out for more information-- this isn't meant to be invalidating, but to help us resolve, understand, and troubleshoot. The more information we have the better we are able to check our bias and enforce our safety values. We keep your report private and will never share that information with the people you’ve reported. 


Check our Biases 

The social environment is dynamic, and our policy, tools, and rules should reflect as such. Our initiatives, protocols, and policy will be reviewed routinely and regularly.  


What will never change, however, is our commitment to building a community of authentic, courageous, empathetic daters. We believe in love for all. 


Our focus is on creating a climate on Milaan Match of inclusivity and inclusion. This means supporting and rewarding an empathetic community where everyone feels safe to be their authentic selves. Our attention will be on matters pertaining to the safety, security, and integrity of the Milaan Match Community. 


Not act as arbiters of truth 

We want Milaan Match users to have information about potential matches so connect with matches on mutual beliefs and opinions. We aren’t here to make decisions on what is fact and fiction, but we are responsible to work to ensure our users are not putting others in jeopardy or inflicting harm. 



Should a Milaan Match user reach out to us for support, they should expect to hear back from our team. If users have a feature request or an idea to improve the app experience, we want to know. If Milaan Match users need resources and support, we are here to help in every capacity we can, including connecting you to resources and services that can provide help from trained specialists. If you were banned and worry it may be a result of retaliatory behavior or false reporting, we encourage you to appeal. 


Foster A Community Built on Trust & Respect 

We have a responsibility to the community to provide a safe place for people to find meaningful relationships. Users trust us with their personal information and we will respect that in how we build our tools and services. We do not discuss the existence or the status or details of an account with anyone but the account owner. 


Step in When Necessary 

We're here to step in when something or someone poses a threat of physical, emotional, or psychological harm to another. 

Our team is committed to working with law enforcement as appropriate and responding to valid law enforcement requests. 

We take suicide and self-injury extremely seriously and will work to help members of this community in crisis. 


Community Policies: 


Below is a list of our community policies. If you violate any of these rules, you might be banned from Milaan Match.  

We encourage you to report any behavior that violates our policies, and read up on our Safety Tips



Do not engage, or encourage others to engage, in any targeted abuse or harassment against any other user. This includes sharing or discussing any unsolicited sexual conversations or content to your date. Reports of stalking, threats, bullying or intimidation are taken very seriously. 


Violence and Physical Harm 

We do not tolerate violents, physical assault, coercion and any acts of violence are strictly prohibited. 


Hate Speech 

Any conversations that promotes, advocates for or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or political affiliation is not allowed at our events.


Private Information 

Don’t publicly broadcast any private information, whether yours or anyone else’s. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial information or unlisted contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses and home/work addresses. 



Don’t be fake. Be real instead. Don’t use Milaan Match to drive people to promote other businesses or otherwise. 


Promotion or Solicitation 

Soliciting other users is prohibited on Milaan Match. It’s fine to invite your matches to something that you’re doing, but if the purpose of your invite is to advertise your event or business, non-profit, political campaign, contest or to conduct research, we have the right to delete your account.  


Prostitution and Trafficking 

Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or other non-consensual sexual acts is strictly prohibited and will result in your account being banned from Milaan Match immediately. 



Milaan Match has a zero-tolerance policy on predatory behavior of any kind. Anyone attempting to get other users’ private information for fraudulent or illegal activity may be banned. Any user caught sharing their own financial account information (PayPal, etc.) for the purpose of receiving money from other users may also be banned from Milaan Match.



Be yourself! Don’t pretend to be someone else. 


Do not impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent affiliation, connection or association with any person or entity. This includes parody accounts.  



You must be 18 years of age, or age of legality in your province, or older to use Milaan Match. 


Copyright and Trademark Infringement 

If it’s not yours, don’t post it. If your Milaan Match profile includes any work that is copyrighted or trademarked by others, don’t upload it, unless you are allowed to do so. 


Illegal Usage 

Don’t use Milaan Match to do anything illegal.  


One Person, One Account 

Milaan Match accounts cannot have multiple owners, so don’t create an account with your friend or significant other.


Additionally, please don’t maintain multiple Milaan Match accounts. 


Relationship Status 

We welcome all single adults seeking one-on-one relationships ranging from companionship to friendship, romance to marriage. However, Milaan Match does not cater to individuals who are already in a committed relationship or marriage. You must be single or separated from a spouse. 


Account Dormancy 

Milaan Match’s user-friendly service makes the matching with a compatible individual with all your specifications to your fingertips, whether you’re home alone or out with nothing but your phone. So, get active whenever you please. If you don’t log in to your Milaan Match account for 2+ years, we may assume you found what you’re looking for and delete your account for inactivity. 

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